Saturday, January 10, 2009

Insane Color Thoughts

OK, so had a bad afternoon today and was having a serious anxiety/depression attack. (Anybody that does not now me well needs to know I am usually open and honest to a fault.) After I climbed my way back up or maybe I should say as I was climbing, one my recurring depression climbing thoughts popped in my head.

I always wonder about peoples differing views on reality. Do we all experience the same reality? One of the ways for me to explain this is my Insane Color Thought. If you look at a shade of color and see "blue" you label that "blue." Now what if what I label as "blue" is in reality to you "red" this is from the same shade. We are looking at exactly the same thing. What I am getting at is if my brain perceives the shade "blue" as the color "red" and your brain perceives the shade "blue" as the color "blue" we would both call the objects "blue" and never know that we are actually seeing in different colors.

Hmmm. . . is it any wonder that I ask myself if I am sane at times?


  1. I love this color thought! I think we may have talked about this before!

  2. hehe yeah I think we did. Sorta my version of if a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound
